Those who have already seen the movie 'Marley and Me' will surely relate to my experience yesterday. We are the proud owners of two boisterous, but lovable Old English Sheepdogs, Mitzi and Jelly Beanz (JB)...Mitzi is 8 years old and is the mother of JB who is 2 years old at the end of May.
For anyone who knows Old English Sheepdogs, they are fairly 'high maintenance' in the grooming department and we normally try to maintain their hygiene and general appearance at home, though on the odd occasion, Mitzi has made a few trips to the dog groomers when we have not had the time. JB has only ever experienced our home variety pampering (and loves it, I might add). His instinct tells him how much we love to run a brush and comb through his hair. He really enjoys this special bonding time and looks forward to be pampered.
JB has an interesting little habit of plonking his head right between the legs (just above the knees) of any unsuspecting potential dog lovers who happen to visit with us. This can be a problem if you're short. He simply puts his head there, in that warm, comforting place and waits to be massaged by the visiting knees. He has never been taught to do this. It is just another instinct he has and it generally works in his favour. We alert any new visitors that they in fact could be potentially ambushed in this way...and generally, the rule of thumb is...they are. Most people are good-natured about this, but I am sure any dog behaviourist would seriously doubt the merits of this behaviour. Let's just call him a very 'tactile' puppy...his very own style of 'puppy love'.
After all the rain Brisbane has recently experienced (not to mention the mud the two dogs churn up during their daily games of 'stalk me, chase me, you can't catch me' romps through our trampled garden beds), we decided it was time to call in the professionals. I rang the dog groomers we normally use, but they no longer run the business - retired they told me, but they were able to recommend a lovely lady who was just starting out in her own business, but was very experienced.
So, after arranging an appointment for both dogs, the day arrived and with it, the need to strategize how to get them both over to the groomers. I drive a very cute smallish VW V5 Bora (with leather seats), whilst my husband has a ute (a working man/dogs' vehicle). He always takes the dogs for drives in the ute. We bought them special harnesses the secure them on the back of the tray and they love to go with 'dad' to fetch the paper on the weekends. They stand erect and feel the wind rush through their wild and woolly faces. 'Oh to feel the breeze on one's face...drool ... drool ... drool...' but hey, it's only the ute and it doesn't matter too much. We decided 'dad' would take them to the groomers on the back of the ute (on his way to work), while I followed in the Bora. I needed to meet Sue, introduce the dogs and discuss our requirements.
We arrived all safe and sound and Sue seemed quite excited about her planned day with the dogs. She'd heard good reports about Mitzi and was very positive. I warned her about JB's little 'habit' and that this was his very first visit to the groomers. We weren't too sure how it was all going to go. Sue had already decided she would devote the day to our guys...well, hydrobathing, drying, clipping, and grooming two large Old English Sheepdogs is not the quickest job in the world to do.
I spent a busy day, but I couldn't help wonder how things were going back at the dog groomers. I tried to imagine how JB was coping with all the pampering he would be experiencing. I knew Mitzi (who is quite the 'regal' type) would be on her best behaviour. I wasn't convinced getting them groomed together was the best thing to do and it was really a case of trial and error. Naturally I was hoping for a great day for Sue, but I really wasn't all that confident. They say never work with dogs and kids. Well, I'm a teacher and have survived...just on some ... no...what am I worried's all good...
Time to pick my babies up...I actually didn't quite last for my phone to ring...I just sneaked in before Sue rang me. "How did they go?" I asked nervously...only to be told in a very jovial voice that things went swimmingly...yes, JB spent most of the day with his head stuck between Sue's legs whenever an opportunity presented itself, but both mutts won Sue's heart and we are allowed to come back. I breathed a sigh of relief...'It's only a movie, that "Marley and Me" flick...
However, the trip home was very interesting and certainly reminded me of Marley...picture small to medium sized VW Bora with Mitzi stretched out on her new plush bedroll on the backseat and JB (who is slightly larger than Mitzi) propped up on the passenger seat...a little squishy to say the least and then when he got tired, decided to lay down with two big paws wrapped around the gear shift, resting on the handbrake, dripping saliva onto the carpet...
I made sure JB was in a safe position before making the trip home, but we sure must have looked a sight for anyone who noticed. We all arrived home safe and sound, but after five minutes home...well you can figure it out...
cheers for now

I am blessed to live on Willow Pond, our family home, where I get the chance to experience the closeness of the city, but with all the creature comforts of the bush. Willow Pond is my little piece of heaven and it is where I like to create my stories, write about life and read, read, read! It is also the place where I am happiest, spending precious time with my beautiful family.
Welcome to Words from Willow Pond
Willow Pond is the home of Deb and husband, Ian, their three adult children, Jossy, Kimmy & Dylan, Joss' husband, Chris, two lippizzaners, Dutchy & Obie, an Old English Sheepdog called Mitzi, the cutest Cavoodle ever, called Oscar, two orphaned Ringtail Possums, named Tamigotchi and Saori, two brush tail orphans, named Penny and Sheldon and other resident ringtail and brush tail possums and many geckos and frogs. Otis our rainbow lorikeet, whom we looked after for over 11 years, finally flew the coop and is enjoying the freedom of the skies.
Deb and her family have lived at Willow Pond for the past fourteen years.
Deb & Ian can sometimes be found down by the willow tree on a hot afternoon sharing a cold beer after spending the day gardening and mowing lawns.
Deb & Ian planted a young Willow tree about ten years ago down near their pond in the back paddock, and it has grown into a very fine specimen. They have since planted four more Willow saplings, which are growing well. The Willows inspired Deb to name the property Willow Pond. It is their hope that native wildlife will find shelter and a haven here like the characters from the children's classic, Wind in the Willows.
Deb enjoys creating ideas and writing here at Willow Pond. She intends to dedicate this blog to the adventures at Willow Pond with her family.
If you have found us by accident, or intentionally, then - Welcome and thank you for dropping by. We hope you enjoy your visit.
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