Twenty-six years ago started out for me unlike any I had experienced before. I had spent the past nine days moping around a hospital ward, waiting...
I was twenty-two years old at the time; young, fit and excited. So what was I doing in the local hospital - moping around for nine days? I was waiting to give birth with my first child.
I was sent to hospital for rest as the doctors were concerned that there was a problem with the placenta and they wanted to monitor my situation. Hospitals make me anxious at the best of times and to have to stay in there for so long was for me, not very relaxing, but I knew it was for the best.
During the past nine days I watched women come into the ward after delivering their new born babies, while others left taking their new bundles homes. Meanwhile, I was left still empty-handed, waiting. Time seemed to go so slow...
Then on the 9th June 1983 the doctors had made the decision to induce me. I really had no idea what this actually meant (only that they were going to make the baby begin the birthing process)...I was a little scared - this was it...
I knew that after that day I would never be the same and my life as I knew it would never be the same.
Labour lasted all day and even though I thought I'd had a pretty good birth as I didn't have anything to compare it to, it was actually a very hard birth - long and difficult, however, at 5:35pm that evening I gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. I must admit, in my naivety, I confused the placenta for something else and thought for an instant I had given birth to a boy...
The first time I laid eyes on my beautiful new little baby daughter I was hooked. I still remember peering down into her small white face and looking into the two dark pools of her eyes. I felt so blessed and unbelievably happy to be a mother (even though I was yet to learn what that all really meant). It was this moment, such a special moment, when I got to meet my daughter for the very first time and fell in love.
I named my baby Jocelyn Mae Alexandria...Jocelyn means to be merry and happy - and that is exactly what I wanted for my daughter. Mae is my mother's second name and Alexander was my father's second I modified this name and gave it to my daughter. I did this to honour my parent's for the love and support they have showered me over the years. Joss (as we call her) does have a long name, but each of the names she was given are badges of honour and she should be proud of them.
There is no love like a mother's runs deep and I have never looked back. I have enjoyed the years I have spent with Jocelyn (my eldest daughter and whose birthday it is we celebrate today).
I truly hope she has a wonderful day today. She is blessed to be able to share her birthday with her siblings Kimmy and Dylan, her dad, Ian and boyfriend Chris.
I discovered over the years that there are no boundaries to a mother's capability to love. When I looked into the new born eyes of my second daughter Kimberley Robyn and my much wanted son, Dylan Ross - I was hooked...and my children are the dearest treasures I hold so close to my heart.
Our life is not unlike others...we have good times and challenging times, but throughout the journey, I feel I have been blessed by God. He has entrusted me with wonderful gifts of children and He has blessed me with a wonderful husband to share my life with. I have always been conscious of making sure I do the absolute very best I can for my family to help bring out their gifts and help them to shine in His light.
Happy birthday my darling Jossy ... I pray God's richest blessings for your life today and forever more. Hope you have a blast and that dinner tonight is fun, fun, fun...

I am blessed to live on Willow Pond, our family home, where I get the chance to experience the closeness of the city, but with all the creature comforts of the bush. Willow Pond is my little piece of heaven and it is where I like to create my stories, write about life and read, read, read! It is also the place where I am happiest, spending precious time with my beautiful family.
Welcome to Words from Willow Pond
Willow Pond is the home of Deb and husband, Ian, their three adult children, Jossy, Kimmy & Dylan, Joss' husband, Chris, two lippizzaners, Dutchy & Obie, an Old English Sheepdog called Mitzi, the cutest Cavoodle ever, called Oscar, two orphaned Ringtail Possums, named Tamigotchi and Saori, two brush tail orphans, named Penny and Sheldon and other resident ringtail and brush tail possums and many geckos and frogs. Otis our rainbow lorikeet, whom we looked after for over 11 years, finally flew the coop and is enjoying the freedom of the skies.
Deb and her family have lived at Willow Pond for the past fourteen years.
Deb & Ian can sometimes be found down by the willow tree on a hot afternoon sharing a cold beer after spending the day gardening and mowing lawns.
Deb & Ian planted a young Willow tree about ten years ago down near their pond in the back paddock, and it has grown into a very fine specimen. They have since planted four more Willow saplings, which are growing well. The Willows inspired Deb to name the property Willow Pond. It is their hope that native wildlife will find shelter and a haven here like the characters from the children's classic, Wind in the Willows.
Deb enjoys creating ideas and writing here at Willow Pond. She intends to dedicate this blog to the adventures at Willow Pond with her family.
If you have found us by accident, or intentionally, then - Welcome and thank you for dropping by. We hope you enjoy your visit.
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