When I woke up this morning I didn't feel too sporty and I was due to meet everyone at 9:30am. I found it very hard to get myself going. I was extremely tired and I think the late nights and four-hourly feeding sessions through the night were beginning to take their toll on me.
After I fed the babies, I took a shower and that helped a little. I really wanted to make an effort to catch up with everyone, so even though I missed meeting everyone at school for the carpool, I managed to get to Flute about a half hour late; but I made it.
It was great seeing everyone. Because the word was out about the babies, the topic of conversation featured a lot of questions about them and how it was all going. I only stayed for about 45 minutes because I really was very tired and the time was getting close to the babies next feed.
Even though it was a short visit, it was great.
Tamigotchi seemed to be a little wet along his tummy and legs when I went to feed him in the afternoon. He usually is very fluffy and warm, but this afternoon, he was really quite wet. He had obviously pee-ed himself.
I try to toilet both possums after each feed, however, they won't always oblige me. Maybe this was a time when I'd missed and he really had to go. I changed his pouch after feeding and drying him off. Accidents happen.
It is strange but in the time that I've been looking after these two gorgeous possums I've never actually seen them do a number two! I've since been told by my mentor that sometimes the possums will 'take care of that department'. So, I guess that's what they are doing.
She now officially has a favourite place to curl up in. I have to wait until she falls asleep so I can gently lift her out of there and place her in her little sleeping pouch. Saori, we've discovered loves the feel of skin, rather than the material of the pouches.
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